Lore: I am in one heck of a funk... it sucks.. Hey I am cheating today for lunch. Work is buying Olive Garden.
Me: Ok. I am cheating today for dinner... going to Red Rock Brewery before the concert. But I'm having a salad.
Lore: If you're gonna cheat tonight so can I. I'll have a salad.. with pasta on the side and maybe a breadstick
Me: Get some protein
Lore: I don't think they are ordering any of that.
Me: ... Bad you.
Lore: I know... (head hanging down)
Me: Can't say anything tho. I have been super bad the last two days. Think I gained two pounds
Lore: Me too. Only 1 though
Me: (head hanging lower) Too much fruit... extra crap... just bad.
Lore: I broke all the rules and had Bajio. I was pissed at the world.
Me: LOL...Yeah? Well Diana and I split a ten piece chicken nugget.
Me: Yeah! Protein! That's what we said anyway. Yes. We dipped. ::sigh::
Lore: I told you I took out my frustration out on my diet and ...you had WHAT! That is way off the chart!!
Me: I had these little Dove bon bons... two a day. I should just go and kill myself.
Lore: I am going to eat a Girl Scout cookie right now just to be even!
Me: FINE... I had three nut clusters from Costco already!
Lore: Shut up! I have not had a single drop of water today! Other than when I brushed my teeth anyway.
Lore: GREAT. We are such good unmotivational partners. We should be on our own poster.